Sunday, September 1, 2013

Final Submission- Rice Packaging Design


  1. Nice design. I like how to substituted cardboard instead of plastic very eco friendly. Im a bit concern on the handles, as it looks very sharp and painful to carry for a period of time e.g. supermarket to car or car to house, for people with arthritis it might cause them more pain. Nice work, i like what you did in the background

  2. i like your design, it is simple and useful. specially i like you added a cap on rice bag. for improvement, may be you should make the handles more comfortable to carry. cause in my opinion, your current handle looks a little bit sharp. beside this, i like the style of your poster, good job.

  3. Hi felicia, Good job, the cardboard is really sustainable of using, and the packaging you designed is really helped people when they using rice. just wondering is the weight of rice will break cardboard?

  4. This design is simple, but clever. The eco friendly design is definitely what designers should consider more nowadays, so you cautch a really good theme of your project.
    The problem for me might be the size of the packaging, since that looks just for the small packaging of rice, but Australian is a multi-culture country and some Asian background families have rice a lot in one day so they won't buy small packaging of rice. That might be the limitation of the consumer group.

    Overall, I really like your clever eco-packaging design. You have done really well.

  5. The material is actually not paper, but polypropylene it is casted so it's like a heavy duty material so it wont break :) the reason why i keep the handle is because of the sustainability and manufacturing cost.. Since it's a 2kg packaging, it's not too heavy / worth extra manufacturing cost.. The handle serves to help the severe arthritis to pour, and since this product is also targeted for single living patient, that's why i keep it in 2kg... In which when i searched it equals to 60 servings.. (20 days if 3 serves per day) thanks for the feedback though :D

  6. The design concept seems simple but really suits well for your target market, arthritis sufferers. Users need to use low physical effort to open the cap compared to existing products. Your design solution is equitable for users.
